Wednesday, October 6, 2021

BBA :- Management as a Process

            As a process, management refers to a series of inter-related functions. It is the process by which management creates, operates and directs purposive organization through systematic, coordinated and co-operated human efforts, according to George R. Terry, “Management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish stated objective by the use of human beings and other resources”. As a process, management consists of three aspects:

Management is a social process -  Since human factor is most important among the other factors, therefore management is concerned with developing relationship among people. It is the duty of management to make interaction between people - productive and useful for obtaining organizational goals.

Management is an integrating process  Management undertakes the job of bringing together human physical and financial resources so as to achieve organizational purpose. Therefore, is an important function to bring harmony between various factors.

Management is a continuous process It is a never ending process. It is concerned with constantly identifying the problem and solving them by taking adequate steps. It is an on-going process.

Management is Highly Aspirational  The achievement of pre-defined objectives is an essential aspect of the management process. It is a medium to accomplish the goals and objectives established well in advance. Without any purpose, there is no rationale for a management process in place. Every activity undertaken by an organisation’s management should be goal-oriented. This achievement of pre-defined goals is a measurement of the success of any organisation’s leadership.


Management is Omnipresent :-  In today’s world, management is pervasive. Be it clubs, governments, armies, or business organisations; all require an efficient management system. The basic principles of management apply to all spheres within an organisation. Managers at all levels execute the same essential functions day in and day out. It is this persistent need that makes the management process a universal concept.


Management is an Ongoing Process  :- Management is not a one-off affair; rather, it is a continuous exercise. The constant desire to achieve varied organisational goals makes management an ongoing process.


Management is Abstract :-  Management is neither visible nor can it be felt in a real sense. One can only observe management’s accomplishments and compare a well-managed organisation with one that has been poorly managed.



Management is Social in Nature :-  Management is social because it involves interpersonal relations. The human element is the most crucial factor in the management process as it is dictated by contrasting social values and cultures. It is a function that transforms society, preserves the community, and endorses its future interests.


Management is Versatile :-  Management deals with human reactions under enterprising conditions. The awareness and the aptitude required for management comes from several disciplines like Sociology, Psychology, Engineering, Economics, Anthropology, Mathematics, etc. It is this aspect that makes managing a multifaceted experience.


Management is Conditional :-  There are several ways of doing things. An existing situation determines the most suitable method of performing any task. Sometimes, it may be possible that management is not doing things in the right manner due to the situation. Successful managers should account for these specific situations.


Management is a Team Effort :-  An individual’s efforts are harmonised with the team’s efforts. A single individual cannot manage the management function alone. All the managerial activities like the setting of goals, the formation of plans and policies, implementation, and follow-up are the coordinated effort of a group of people who envision an organisation’s future.


Management is an Administrative Function :- The administration and management of the activities of people to accomplish predetermined objectives are concerned with the management. Management is also known as an approach through which a human group’s goals are set, defined and achieved.




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